LocLunch™ Seattle Info

LocLunch™ is a global community of professionals and enthusiasts who work in localization or related fields. Regular LocLunch™ events happen all over the world, but this page provides information about the ones that happen in the Seattle area.

LocLunch™ Seattle on LinkedIn

Events are organized through LinkedIn, so a good way to find out about upcoming events is to join the LocLunch™ Seattle group. Discussions between events happen here.

LocLunch™ Seattle mailing list

The group linked to above is where all the discussions take place, but if you would like to receive notifications about upcoming events in your inbox (typically, these are sent once a month at most), there is also a Google Group you can join.

LocLunch™ Seattle calendar

Similarly, if you would like to see LocLunch™ Seattle events appear in your caledar, you can subscribe to the LocLunch™ Seattle calendar.

LocLunch™ Seattle on X

You can also find LocLunch™ Seattle on X (the platform formerly known as Twitter).

Who is behind LocLunch™ Seattle?

Others have also been involved, but since early 2023, LocLunch™ Seattle events have been organized by Co-Ambassadors Andres Cubero and Sako Eaton. Often Igor Marach attends and serves as event photographer extraordinaire.

Would you like to be involved in coordinating LocLunch™ Seattle events? We welcome inquiries and could use the help!